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Subscription plans

Account activation is within 2 hours of payment. You need to be patient, You can call if your account is not activated after 2 hours of payment.

Make sure you text the name you used for the money tranfer/payment, amount paid and your account username (username on this site) to +2347056070630 or +2349129483819

Please follow the price, any payment below the stipulated price will NOT be activated until the full payment is made.

Below plans are for Chart Reader and forecast (time/session based)

Two weeks/50 session usage access, forecast and chart reader plan.

₦ 1000
  • Gives access to forecast and chart reader for 14 days OR a maximium of 50 session usage access
  • View payment details

One month/100 session usage access, forecast and chart reader plan.

₦ 2,000
  • Gives access to forecast and chart reader for 30 days OR a maximium of 100 session usage access
  • View payment details

75 days/200 session usage access, forecast and chart reader plan.

₦ 3,500
  • Gives access to forecast and chart reader for 75 days OR a maximium of 250 session usage access
  • View payment details

Below plans are for chart reader only (forecast not included)

14 days/50 session usage access, chart reader plan

₦ 800
  • Gives access to chart reader for 14 days OR a maximium of 50 session usage access
  • View payment details

30 days/100 session usage access, chart reader plan

₦ 1,500
  • Gives access to chart reader for 30 days OR a maximium of 100 session usage access
  • View payment details

75 days/200 session usage access, chart reader plan

₦ 3,000
  • Gives access to chart reader for 75 days OR a maximium of 250 session usage access
  • View payment details

Below plans are 'access points' based plans, (not time-based) The plans below are not for 'heavy' users, its for users that don't use the site often. If you use the chart reader often, do NOT sub for the below plans...

100 access points

₦ 1,100

200 access points

₦ 2,200

500 access points

₦ 5,500